1040-SR (Web-based) | Starting a Tax Return

To start a tax return, follow the steps below:

  1. Click Select, next to Start a New Tax Return

2. Enter the Social Security Number, confirm it, then click Start Return

3. Choose the filing status then click Continue

4. Enter the taxpayer’s information, then click Continue.
(Use the left side widget to navigate. When done, click Continue.)
Please note that the state will be auto-populated based on your entries.

5. Now, answer the address question and click Continue to go further.

6. Answer the dependents questions


7. Answer the Recovery Rebate Credit (Stimulus Check) question based on the status of the taxpayer

8. Click Begin for the form you’d like to start

(you can also type the name of the form you’re looking for in the search box as seen below)

9. When you enter all the information, you’ll be taken to the

Summary/Print section. You can view the Summary or see it in a 1040 view before you print the return

10. To print, click Print Results from the left-side widget.

11. The software will generate a PDF of the tax return, which you can save or print. To view it and be able to print it, make sure you have Adobe Acrobat downloaded and installed. If it’s not installed, you can download it and install it from the link below:
Download Adobe Acrobat Reader DC

12. To print, click Print your tax return

(You can also print the tax return by following the alternate method below)
A- Click Alternate Method for viewing/printing your tax return

B- A window will appear. Click the 3 dots (), then Print.


13. When done, click e-File

The return will calculate, and it’ll point out the errors you have on the return.

You can go to each point by clicking Visit, and fix the errors according to the notes the software pointed out.

When done, click Continue to proceed to e-filing.