1040-SR (Desktop) | How to Modify the Preparer Fee on a Tax Return

When you start a new tax return, the fees from the Fees Menu are automatically added to the return's invoice, however, they can be modified.

First and foremost, make sure the return has ZERO Diagnostic Errors, since you won't be able to go through the steps below if a single error appears.

  1. From the tax return Main Menu (on the left side), click Exit.


  • Preparation Fee, as shown below, is the total of all fees.

2. To edit how much you’d like to charge for the tax return you’re on, click Preparation Fee and change the fee.


If you’re unable to change the fee, this might mean the Invoice is locked. To make sure it’s not locked:

1- Go to View/Edit Invoice


2- Lock Fees to Invoice: set it to NO, then try the steps above again.