1040-DR (Desktop Version) | How to Carryover Prior Year Info to Current Year Software

This feature allows you to transfer the previous years data/returns into the current version of 1040-DR you’re using.

Both versions of Drake must be installed in the same drive (for example. the C:/ Drive) in order for this feature to run normally.


  • First, click Last Year Data, then choose Update Clients 201x to 201x




  • After getting to the Client Selection window, click Next, then, Click Next again in the Update Filter Selection Page, Then, the Basic Search Conditions window will appear, in-which you will select the desired files to transfer into your current version of Drake, then when done, click Continue 


  • In the following window, click Select All, then Update 1040.
    Now Drake will start updating the files as shown below; Afterwards it will confirm the files that were added into your software successfully.