1040-SR (Desktop) | How to Set Up your Own Fees (Billing Scheme)
In 1040-SL desktop version, the Fees / Billing Setup Menu is where fees and other invoice-related controls are set. To access this menu and modify billing, follow the steps below:
From the Main Menu, choose Configuration > Fees / Billing Setup
Fee Setup Menu
This menu lists every federal and state form, schedule, and worksheet supported in TaxSlayer Desktop Version, as well as other documents produced as part of the tax return package.
Any item can be assigned a fee if needed, and when the item is included in a tax return its fee will be added to the return invoice.
To assist with navigating through the list, the forms displayed in the list can be narrowed to either Federal or State individual or business return forms using the circular buttons at the top of the list.
For example, to see the Michigan individual return forms, click State Forms, enter MI, and press Enter. To see the entire list again, click All Forms.
Charge by The Hour
if checked, returns will be billed according to the number of minutes spent in the return multiplied by the preparer's hourly rate as specified in Preparer Configuration. Hourly billing overrides the calculation based on the fees for individual forms. Also, within a particular return, hourly billing can be turned off or on in the Receipt Menu after exiting the return.
(Upon exiting a return, the preparer is taken to the Receipt Menu. This menu is where the invoice can be edited to ensure all fees are included, payments can be recorded, and, if used, return data tags can be assigned.)
The list of fees that have been set can be printed, on paper or PDF as specified in the Printer Preferences.
Set Range
If the forms in a particular numerical range in the list are to all have the same fee, you can use this button to set that group of fees in one move rather than entering them individually.
For example, in the picture above, we want to change the price for Federal Electronic Filing Fee, State Electronic Filing Fee, and Self-prepared Keypunch fee at once from $0 to $250. We’ll add the starting range as 1, and the ending range as 3. (as shown in the screenshot above)
Use this button to increase or decrease the fees in the list by the percentage you specify. A typical use for this button is after pulling in prior year fees.Pull Prior Year Fees
Click this button to pull in the same fees as were set last year, if any. Using this will save time over re-entering them individually.Custom Discounts
To create a custom discountIn the Edit Custom Discounts window, select New
Enter a description and amount in dollars and cents
Select any of the three check boxes as desired:
- Always Prompt - if checked, the preparer will be prompted upon exiting the return whether or not to include the discount; if unchecked, the preparer can choose to include the discount in the Receipt Menu after exiting the return- Charge by Default - if checked, the discount will always be included on the invoice;
- Can Edit Discount on Return - if checked, the discount amount can be changed in the Receipt Menu;
- Click Save to save the discount and return to the Edit Custom Discounts menu.
The addition of custom fees and discounts to returns can be tracked in the Custom Fees and Discounts Report.