1040-SR (Desktop) | How to Reset the Password and Unlock User Accounts

To reset the password for a user account, follow the steps below:

  1. At the login screen, enter your username, then click Forgot Password

Note: the prompt informing you that you will have three attempts to answer your Security Question correctly before the login credentials are locked

2. Answer your security question, then press Enter

3. Create your new password; you'll enter it twice to verify your typing


4. You can now log in to the program with your new password.


Unlocking Locked Login Credentials

If a preparer's login has been locked, do the following steps:

A. Log in as the ADMIN user.
The ADMIN password was the first password you created when you installed the program.

B. From the Main Menu, select:

  • Configuration

5. Firm / ERO / Preparer Setup

6. From the Preparer(s) Menu, select the preparer

7. Choose the preparer, then choose Preparer Security


8. Password/Security Question - you'll be asked if you wish to clear the current password and security question. Select YES.


9. If you choose to clear the current password and security question, when the preparer attempts to log into the program they will:

  • Enter their Username, leave the Password field blank, and click LOGIN

  • Create their new password and security question

  • The preparer can now log in to the program with their new password.